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28 Day Challenge
0% Complete
0/0 Steps
Day 1 - Welcome
Day 2 - Find Center
Day 3 - Tai Chi Posture
Day 4 - Live Class
Day 5 - Standing Mountain - Introduction
Day 6 - Standing Mountain - Review
Day 7 - Standing Mountain - Practice
Day 8 - Live Class
Day 9 - Open Close
Day 10 - Chi
Day 11 - Yin Yang
Day 12 - Dantien
Day 13 - Turn Trunk
Day 14 - Spirals
Day 15 - Live Class
Day 16 - Front Coiling
Day 17 - Back/Front Coiling
Day 18 - Upward Coiling
Day 19 - Diagonal Press
Day 20 - Live Class
Day 21 - Relax Review
Day 22 - Find Center Review
Day 23 - Forward Stepping
Day 24 - Forward Stepping with Arms
Day 25 - Side Stepping with Arms
Day 26 - Backward Step with Arms
Day 27 - Final Live Class
Day 28 - Awareness
Lesson 29 of 28
In Progress
Day 2 – Program Overview
Introduction to Silk Reeling
The Chi Force 28 Day Challenge combines lectures, instruction, and live classes, giving you a unique opportunity to experience authentic Tai Chi and its benefits while building a strong daily practice.
The challenge will take you across key foundational stages to help you discover your Tai Chi body and mind with precise instruction in standing, moving the limbs, stepping, and all combined.
[arve url=”″ title=”Silk Reeling – Overview” description=”Associate instructors will introduce the lessons and provide a brief overview of the lesson. ” loop=”no” muted=”no” /]