
Silk Reeling Qigong

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $39.20.

Silk Reeling practice or chan si jing is a unified system of movement utilizing the entire body, and is characterized by circular, spiraling motions of the trunk and limbs. Practicing silk reeling deepens your understanding of the yin yang, or softness and hardness, and how to energize all qi circuits throughout the body.





Awaken and enliven your body and self through Chen Tai Chi’s Silk Reeling Qigong.

Silk Reeling Qigong or chan si jing is a unified system of movement utilizing the entire body, and is characterized by circular, spiraling motions of the trunk and limbs. Practicing Silk Reeling deepens your understanding of the yin yang, or softness and hardness, and how to energize all qi circuits throughout the body. You also learn how to move more efficiently and effectively, and to maximize the body’s functional power – that is the ability to use 100% of your body’s power for a single movement. Silk Reeling is critical to practicing Tai Chi as a martial art, and yet it is calming and relaxing enough to be trained as a moving meditation.

Imagine yourself in the same room as Master Ren.

Chi Force’s Alan Bandes and Jon Miller distill the key details and insights of Master Ren’s Silk Reeling Qigong with step-by-step analysis of Master Ren’s movements. Learn it precisely, learn it at your own pace, and learn it from wherever you can place your computer.  


  • A regimen that relaxes the mind, and energizes the system when feeling tired
  • Optimizes posture by strengthening anti-gravity muscles and relaxing muscles that pull the body out of alignment
  • Able to gain strength quickly especially in the lower body
  • Helps to relax neck and shoulders


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